Tech Hacks

Hashtags Generator Apps Trick Free for iPhone users

Hi Guys, here we will discuss about how to use free hashtags generator apps for free without any subscriptions. Today, all we know like Instagram has grown so much, that every brand is targeting Instagram influencers to grow their business.

Before starting, we are not promoting to use this tutorial. Use this at your own risk. However, all things mention in this tutorial is not hack and even not crack. We are going use inbuilt features of iPhone to use it.

HashTags Generator Apps

There are many hashtag generator apps in App Store such as HashTag Smart for Likes, Hashtag Expert etc.

Are these apps really free ?

No, all apps available in App Store are not really free. You can copy tags once in a day for free then you have to buy their subscriptions.

How to use these apps for free in iPhone ?

First download any app from app store. Like I downloaded HashTag Smart App

Once you open the app then you can see interface as shown below


Fill any keyword based on your video, article or content and then hit Quick Generate Button

If you have already copy tags first time, then on click it will ask to pay for it.

HashTags Smart Subscriptions
HashTags Smart Subscriptions

You can buy or click close button to hide plans. Once you click close then you see all tags generated as shown below

Tags Generated
Tags Generated

If you click on copy, save or analyze then again you will see plans to subscribe.

Take a screenshot of these tags and then open in Photos App as shown below

Photos App Screenshot
Photos App Screenshot

Photos App in iPhone has a feature to copy text from images. Now, you can press and hold on tags then select all the tags. Click copy. Now all your tags are copied and ready to be use anywhere.

For any other query, please contact here

Anil Mehra

I am Anil Mehra, a passionate, workaholic and a Full Stack Tech Savvy Programmer with true north towards growth. I have worked on 256 live projects in MNC. I am expertise in the field of Programming, Server Management, SEO, Blogging and SMO...

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