Technical News

Share Live Location using WhatsApp New update

In this technical news, we will discuss about Whats app new feature in which you can share live location using WhatsApp app. Recently Facebook roll out new update in Whats App with some new features. You can now share live location in your messages. In old version, you can also share location but it was not live location. In live location receiver can track your location real time. This feature is really incredible and  never think such  feature in whats app. However, this is not good for sale’s person because now managers can track their employees each and every time.

Steps to Share Live location using Whats App

You can share your location in personal chat and also in group’s. Follow below steps for sending live location using Whats app.

1. Open Whats App application in your smartphone and then open any conversation in which you want to share location.

Whats App Features

2. After that click on attachment icon and then click on location as shown below

3. Now you can see “Share Live Location” option as shown below

Share Live Location Using Whats App

4. Click on “Share Live Location” option then you will see a alert message for first time.

Share Live Location Confirm Message

5. Click OK and then a new window open that will show option for how much time you want to share location as shown below

Share Live Location Time in Whats App

6. Choose your time from 15 min, 1 hour or 8 hour. You cannot add your custom time.

7. After choosing time, you can also add comment below and then click send icon.

8. After click send button, you live location is share with recipient as shown below

Share Live Location Using Whats App

9. After sending message you can see Stop Sharing button below your location as shown above. Click on it if you want to stop share location before time.


Advantages of Share Live Location

Major advantage of this feature is you can easily track your family member’s. You can track where are your children. Specially, this feature can help girl’s also. If a girl think that she is not in safe location then she can share location directly with friends and family so that they know her location.

Disadvantage of Share Live Location

Overall, this feature of Whats app has no disadvantage except that it only work’s when your smartphone is connected with internet otherwise it will not work. However, you can check last recent location.

Anil Mehra

I am Anil Mehra, a passionate, workaholic and a Full Stack Tech Savvy Programmer with true north towards growth. I have worked on 256 live projects in MNC. I am expertise in the field of Programming, Server Management, SEO, Blogging and SMO...

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